Apply now: A behind-the-scenes trip to Capitol Hill this summer

U.S. Capitol Building.

Applications are now open for civic and business leaders to join a Colorado delegation visiting Washington, D.C., to meet informally with federal lawmakers June 11-13.

The bipartisan conference will be made up of 100 Coloradans, who will have an opportunity to hear from and interact with our nation’s leaders from both sides of the aisle in an informal setting. The cohort will represent a diverse cross-section of the state and is selected through a competitive application process.

The Colorado State University System has approximately 30 spots held for alumni and supporters associated with the three System campuses, and CSU President Amy Parsons urges applicants.

“CSU is focused on encouraging engagement in democracy, and the Capital Conference is one excellent example of a way citizens can participate. This is an opportunity to connect directly with our federal elected officials,” Parsons said. “I look forward to getting to know this year’s participants.”

The event is co-hosted by U.S. Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) together with Colorado Mesa University, the University of Colorado System, and the Colorado State University System. All Colorado residents are invited to apply for the Colorado Capital Conference. Both senators shared their thoughts on the importance of the event.

“The Colorado Capital Conference exemplifies the best of American democracy. It’s a time for Coloradans to come together to share ideas — and out of that, form a stronger, more reflective Colorado,”  Bennet said.

“Our office represents Coloradans’ seat at the table. It belongs to everyone in our state,” Hickenlooper said. “Welcoming the Colorado Capital Conference is a great way to involve folks with the work we’re doing.”

CSU System Chancellor Tony Frank reiterated the importance and rarity of the Colorado Capital Conference.

“It is a unique public forum that gives voters of Colorado the opportunity to voice their ideas and concerns directly to lawmakers, and it gives lawmakers an opportunity to speak directly to citizens about the legislative process and how policy is — and sometimes isn’t — enacted,” Frank said.

Applications are due by March 22. Conference participants will be announced by April 18.

Participants are responsible for their own accommodations (at a group rate) and airfare. There is a $750 registration fee, which covers most meals and conference materials. Guests are welcome to participate in evening events for a prepaid fee of $200.

For more information about the conference and to apply, visit or call (251) 767-5687.