Two more chances to weigh in on the Employee Climate Survey

Your Voice Matters graphicThe 2018 Employee Climate Survey questionnaires have been collected, and the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, and Institutional Research, Planning, & Effectiveness, thanks every faculty and staff member at CSU who participated.

The overall response rate was 60 percent, according to Jennifer Schneider, research analyst and survey methodologist, who is busy crunching the data to create a clearer picture of how employees feel about working at CSU – what’s going right and what can be improved. Final results will be made available to the entire University community in the spring.

But, wait, there’s more!

If you didn’t respond to the survey, there are two more opportunities to have your voice heard and your opinions counted, in a different format.

Open forums are scheduled on Friday, Nov. 30, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., in the Grey Rock Room in the Lory Student Center (lunch provided), and on Tuesday, Dec. 4, 3:30-5 p.m., in Room 382 of the LSC (light refreshments provided).

All employees are welcome, and those who have not completed a questionnaire are especially encouraged to attend.

To RSVP for the Friday, Nov. 30 open forum, click here.

To RSVP for the Tuesday, Dec. 4 open forum, click here.

And for those who did complete the survey and entered their names in the drawing for a leather legal padfolio – you know who you are, all 890 of you – 25 winners have been selected at random and have been contacted. Departments across campus were represented, from Apartment Life to Facilities Management, CEMML and CSU Extension to NACC and the Registrar’s office. Congratulations, again.

If you have questions about the open forums, or the Employee Climate Survey, feel free to contact Rachel McKinney, program coordinator, at