Reflecting on one year of English courses at the CSU Todos Santos Center

by Olaf Morales, Languages Coordinator, CSU Todos Santos Center

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In October 2017, I arrived in Todos Santos with the firm intention of creating an English program that could serve the local community of Todos Santos and El Pescadero. This was my first time in this part of Mexico, so I did not have a broad panorama of the challenges and difficulties that I would face in the following months.

Todos Santos is a magical town characterized for having a high population of foreign residents mainly from the United States and Canada. Because of this, its local inhabitants need the English language to be able to establish commercial ties.

In January 2018, after having worked for two months on this project, we started the language classes at the CSU Todos Santos Center with more than 100 students in five different classes; our expectation was to maintain this number throughout the cycle despite comments in town that people would not finish the whole year.

After two semesters of hard work and collaborations with programs of CSU, CSU-Pueblo, and other organizations, on December 7 we finished our school year with just over 100 students, which for the Center team represents a big success.

In January 2019 we are going to start our third-year program. Personally, I am very excited not only to expand language programs for English instruction, but also in Spanish instruction through our second Spanish and Culture Immersion course.


Name: Guillermo Fisher Fiol – Intermediate English Student

When did you take an English course through the CSU Todos Santos Center?

I started in August 2018.

How did you hear about the English courses at the Center?

I was new in town and I was looking for a place where I could improve myself in any subject, so I started to ask different people and they told me about the CSU Todos Santos Center.

Had you ever taken English classes before?

Yes, I started when I was 13 or 14 years old, and I continued until I was 17 years old. I restarted in August 2018 here at the CSU Todos Santos Center.

How has language instruction impacted your daily life?

Most Mexican people think that learning English is important mainly because you can make more money, but I have been rewarded in many other ways, like meeting a lot of people from different parts of the world, knowing more about their cultures and traditions, sharing ideas and growing together, and at the end you realize that we are not that different. I just want to say that learning a new language will improve you in many ways, it will make you richer in the way you think, it will teach you empathy, and it will allow you to pass through a cultural barrier that divides people.

What was your favorite part of the course?

I enjoyed sharing with others and the environment that the teacher and students promoted. In class, there are people from different parts of Mexico and the world so you are able to learn many things while talking and learning in English.

Name: Clara Judith Millán Villa – Basic English Student

When did you take an English course through the CSU Todos Santos Center?

When I came to Todos Santos, I realized that a very high percentage of inhabitants here are foreigners. I am a dental surgeon and I opened my office here and most of my patients are foreigners. My office was opened on September 15, 2017, and by January 2018 I was very frustrated because I could not communicate adequately with my patients. Therefore, I started taking English classes at the CSU Todos Santos Center in February 2018.

How did you hear about the English courses at the Center?

A patient who is a good friend of mine told me that there was an English course at the CSU Todos Santos Center and since she knew my problem with the language in my work, she recommended it to me.

Had you ever taken English classes before?  

I have never taken an English course before. For me, it has always been more difficult than studying dentistry and carpentry together. I consider it a challenge to become proficient in this language.

How has language instruction impacted your daily life? 

The English classes have impacted my life deeply, as I thought I would never be able to communicate with my patients and now I am doing better. I know there is still a long way to go, but I also know now that it is not impossible for me. I do not know how long it will take me, because I do not learn as fast as my classmates, but I will definitely reach my goal of mastering it completely.

What was your favorite part of the course?

I have several favorites. We are not only a group of English students but also unconditional friends. My patients are happy that I understand what they need to express, and furthermore my husband who is Canadian can understand me much better and I also understand what he says when he speaks English. In the past when he argued with me, he would say everything in English so that I would not understand; today he cannot do it because I understand it so I have established a point of respect between us.

Name: Felisa León Domínguez – Basic English Student

When did you take an English course through the CSU Todos Santos Center?

I started the course in January 2018; so far I have studied two semesters here at the CSU Todos Santos Center.

How did you hear about the English courses at the Center?

I found out through Facebook and some posters that I saw in town. Before that, I thought about enrolling in the Palapa Society, which is an organization that also offers English courses, but I did not find any available space, and that is when I had the opportunity to study at the CSU Todos Santos Center.

Had you ever taken English classes before?  

The only opportunity I had to study English was in high school. I only learned a little vocabulary, but I never practiced it.

How has language instruction impacted your daily life?

Now I can better understand conversations with Americans, and I have expanded my use of grammar and vocabulary. Here in Todos Santos, the use of English is very important to be able to communicate with foreigners. I want to be an example for my family; I want my daughters to see me studying and to know that every day there is something new to learn.

What was your favorite part of the course?

My favorite part is when I can speak another language with people from other countries. That makes me feel very good.

I really like the dynamics of the class — it is very practical — and I like the participation with students from CSU, in addition to learning much more of the English language.

About the Colorado State University Todos Santos Center

Located in Baja California Sur, Mexico, CSU Todos Santos Center serves as the University’s international hub, providing research and educational opportunities in alignment with existing University curricula.

Advancing CSU’s mission of teaching, research, service, and outreach, the Center collaborates with Mexican universities and organizations, and provides workshops and programs for visitors and local residents.

CSU’s vision in Todos Santos is to cultivate generations of global citizens and to partner in the creation of thriving communities through experiential learning and the exchange of knowledge.

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