Participants sought for online couple communication study

Flyer for study

The Department of Human Development and Family Studies is recruiting couples who are at least 18 years old and in committed relationships (living together or married) for a study to better understand the different ways that couples communicate with each other, and how that’s related to health.

In addition, for those who have children, this research may include one of them (although having children is not a requirement to participate in the study).

Participating couples will be asked to:

  • Answer some questions online (about 30 minutes); each member of the couple will need to do those
  • Record a discussion with the partner online (about 15 minutes)
  • Provide a saliva sample (about 2 minutes); each member of the couple will need to do this. Researchers are only collecting these samples to measure something called a telomere, which is an indicator of physical health and aging. This will be mailed in, and  precise instructions on how to send this will be provided.

Couples who participate will earn $30. In addition, a child participant who would be willing to provide a saliva sample (again, only to measure telomeres) will earn $10.

Those who are interested can email and researchers will provide the next step.