Keeping campus intersections safe by looking out for fellow Rams

Thousands of people cross through a single campus intersection in a single day on foot, in cars, on bicycles or on other wheels. Keeping campus intersections safe and collision-free takes a collective effort of everyone on campus.

More than 4,000 people traverse the intersection of Plum Street and Meridian Avenue each day. Another 3,800 make their way through the intersection of Lake Street and Center Avenue. The greater number of people traveling an intersection increases the chances of a collision that can be serious, if not fatal.

Hughes Way and Meridian Avenue, Lake and Whitcomb Streets and Pitkin Street and Meridian Avenue are the other most used intersections on Main Campus.

Colorado State University is committed to zero deaths and zero serious injuries on campus streets. Safety of intersections is critical to this important goal. To reduce the risk of an accident or the loss of life, CSU police will be more active in the area contacting motorists and others navigating intersections in an unsafe manner. Drivers could incur a Traffic Education and Enforcement Program (TEEP) citation and cyclists a Bicycle Education and Enforcement Program (BEEP) citation if contacted for an infraction.

It may have been a few years since driving school; or perhaps a driver is new to navigating urban traffic. Here are a few rules to safely navigate campus intersections.


  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  • The vehicle that arrives first is the first to go.
  • If two vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle on the right goes first.
  • Come to a complete stop prior to the crosswalk and proceed when clear.

Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards:

  • Bicycles should follow vehicle rules.


  • Walk on sidewalk or path and cross at the crosswalk as this is where drivers can expect pedestrians.
  • Be alert; look up from cell phones and turn down ear buds.
  • Know walking while impaired can dangerous. An estimated 47% of fatal pedestrian crashes in 2020 involved a pedestrian who was drunk, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
  • Never assume that a driver sees you.