Fall U-Turn, a one-stop shop for academic support, set for Oct. 6

Fall U Turn PosterU-Turn, Colorado State University’s annual academic resource event, will take place virtually on Wednesday, Oct. 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The campus-wide collaborative event is held in conjunction with the Early Performance Feedback initiative to assist students in turning their semester around by offering them the specialized services of different campus programs all in one place.

U-Turn, open to all CSU students, can be especially helpful for those who are struggling academically or who have received a “not yet meeting course expectations” in any of their courses by the end of September, but anyone who wants to improve their academic skills can come to U-Turn.

Self-assessment, navigators and action plans

Students’ U-Turn experiences begin by filling out a self-assessment form on the U-Turn website. Students will then receive a Zoom link to join the event and be matched with a U-Turn Navigator.

Students and their Navigator, a CSU staff volunteer, will discuss some of the challenges the students may be facing, barriers to their success, and previous academic achievements. Together, the student and Navigator will make an Action Plan for future academic success. After creating an Action Plan with their Navigator, students will have the opportunity to meet with CSU resources and offices. These resources range from campus tutoring centers, to the Health Network and the Office of Financial Aid.

“By attending U-Turn, students empower themselves as they identify strengths and tools that will support them in achieving their goals,” said Jill Putman, associate director for outreach and support programs at the Collaborative for Student Achievement and U-Turn committee co-chair. “Our hope is that students leave the event knowing that they belong at CSU and that there are folks on campus that care about them and their success.”

Learn more

To learn more about U-turn, visit tilt.colostate.edu/learning/uturn.