CSU, Mexican university students partner to host educational BioBlitz in Mexico

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On Tuesday, Colorado State University students in the Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology semester education abroad program at the CSU Todos Santos Center in Baja California Sur, Mexico held a BioBlitz and wildlife biology festival for students within the local community.

The BioBlitz – a race to identify as many species of plants, animals, and other organisms as possible in a short time period – allowed an interactive educational opportunity for the more than 500 local student participants. The students, ranging from elementary to high school, learned about insects, birds, and nocturnal animals inhabiting the region. Fifteen CSU students crafted experiential learning activities and hosted the event with students from PACE, a science education outreach program at CIBNOR, one of CSU’s educational partners in Mexico.

About the CSU Todos Santos Center

The Colorado State University Todos Santos Center is the university’s first international location and is core to CSU’s mission of teaching, research, service, and outreach.

The Center provides opportunities for CSU students and Baja California Sur residents to collaborate with local partners and businesses to identify needs, conduct research, and produce impactful outcomes.

CSU’s vision in Todos Santos is to cultivate generations of global citizens and to be a part of creating thriving communities through collaboration, experience, and exchange of knowledge in areas such as agriculture, infectious disease, elementary education, environmental and social sustainability, wildlife ecology, veterinary medicine, and public health.